Reporting HIV and its broader impact in Asia: The case of Papua New Guinea

May 14, 2010

Background to the Book

Health journalism meets a significant public need and influences health, but digital disruption in the news media and the migration of audiences towards new media platforms pose significant challenges to the specialisation. The earliest journalists carving out the niche for health journalism faced an uphill battle against government and medical professionals’ influence. Since then, the specialisation has grown in scope, professionalism and quality, but cuts to mainstream media staffing, new entrants to the field of health information and evidence the “news hole” for health is shrinking position health journalists in the eye of a maelstrom.

Recommended Citation

Cullen, T. A. (2010). Reporting HIV and its Broader Impact in Asia: The case of Papua New Guinea (PNG). In Liew Kai Khiun (Eds.). Liberalizing, Feminizing and Popularizing Health Communications in Asia (pp. 43- 58). Location: Ashgate. Available here.

About the Author

Dr Trevor Cullen (PhD) is Professor of Journalism at Edith Cowan University in Perth, Western Australia. Trevor is recognised as a national and international leader in the field of HIV/health Journalism and Journalism education. He has received several University and national teaching and research awards. These include two Australian Government awards – A National Teaching and Learning Fellowship (NTF) and the Australian Award for University Teaching. (AAUT).

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